
Aus NordhausenWiki

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/* Das folgende CSS wird für alle Benutzeroberflächen geladen. */
 * Styling for links generated by [[MediaWiki:Edittools]]
 * @source
 * @updated 2012-02-29
.mw-charinsert-buttons {
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/* Einzelnachweise kleiner */
div.refbegin {
    font-size: 90%;            /* Default font-size */
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div.refbegin-100 {
    font-size: 100%;           /* Option for normal fontsize in {{refbegin}} */
div.reflist ol.references {
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    list-style-type: inherit;  /* Enable custom list style types */

/* Highlight clicked reference in blue to help navigation */
ol.references li:target,
span.citation:target {
    background-color: #fdfaa1;

/* Ensure refs in table headers and the like aren't bold or italic */
sup.reference {
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

/* Gallery */

gallery {
max-width: 800px;
} {
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background-color: AAAAAA;
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vertical-align: top;
} td {
vertical-align: top;

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padding: 1px;

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border: 1px solid #CCC;
padding: 0px;
width: 145px;
margin: 5px auto;

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vertical-align: top;
width: 145px;
border: solid 0px;
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margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
display: block;

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text-align: center;
display: block;
word-wrap: break-word;

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text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
margin: 0px;

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font-size: 85%;
padding: 2px 4px;
word-wrap: break-word;

/* wikitable */

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margin: 2px;  
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border: 1px #DDDDDD solid;  
border-collapse: collapse;  

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border: 1px #aaa solid;   
padding: 5px; 

table.wikitable th {  
border: 1px #aaa solid;   
padding: 5px;   
background: #EEEEEE;  
text-align: center; 

table.wikitable caption {  
margin-left: inherit;  
margin-right: inherit;  
font-weight: bold; 